From Our Learners
Think About How You Allocate Your Charitable Dollars…
What Are The Causes You Are Passionate About?
What if we told you that everything you currently give to - poverty, climate change, disease prevention - could be resolved if you made a donation here. Human beings are most impacted with regard to their character, integrity and creative problem solving from 0-12 years old. If we treat them right, give them respect and dignity, teach them about civics, kindness and collaboration in addition to academics we can drastically alter the course of our country and the world.
Change School For All Children
Your Generous Donation Goes Toward Our...
Scholarship Circle
Create an opportunity for everyone to get a great education.
Capital Campaign
Help us identify and build brick and mortar schools throughout the country.
Science Circle
Observation, data collection and the development of peer-reviewed publications.
Fellows Circle
Train Educators across the country to implement the American Emergent Curriculum.

This new model for school is driven by the American Emergent Curriculum consisting of proven pedagogies implemented alongside standards and what we love about traditional schools. Coupled with programs that speak to this generation of Learners like Civics, Kindness, Project-based Learning, School Care, Advanced Technology (not just screens) and lots of time outside at our Farm, children thrive at TSH.

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American Emergent Curriculum Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization EIN # 84-2361083
Contact Us Here hq@theschoolhouse.org
Make Checks Payable to: American Emergent Curriculum Inc.
The School House, 106 Vernon Valley Rd., East Northport NY 11731
The School House is the home of the American Emergent Curriculum a non-profit 501(c)3 organization for elementary grades Pre-K through 6th Grade.